Product Selection Guide
Our new product selection guide simplifies the quite often overcomplicated legislation. With guidance given for each of the three main applications, selecting the right system for you has never been easier
TEACHING AREAS - Recommended minimum requirements
Gas Pressure Proving Systems
All teaching spaces with a gas supply must be fitted with a gas pressure proving system to prove closure of any outlets prior to restoration of the gas supply, along with a ventilation interlock. The pressure proving system may include additional services isolation of Water and/or Electric.
Ventilation Interlocking
Although for the ventilation interlock, Air Differential Pressure Switches, Fan Current Monitors and CO2 Monitoring are all considered acceptable solutions, CO2 Monitors are the preferred method as they provide a true indication of air quality.
The other two methods may have issues on low pressure or centralised systems, cannot be used for ventilation systems on timers, and cannot be used on Natural or Hybrid ventilation systems.
IGEM/UP/11 Edition 3
COMMERCIAL KITCHENS - Recommended minimum requirements
Gas Pressure Proving Systems
Technically these are not required if all appliances are fitted with Flame Failure Devices (FFDs), however, are recommended on larger projects or higher risk installations such as Schools, Hospitals and Care Homes as they provide additional protection against faulty appliances or leaks on pipework.
Ventilation Interlocking
CO2 Monitoring is the minimum requirement for all new installations. Larger kitchens may require multiple sensors.
Where Type B appliances are installed, the CO2 Monitor must be used in conjunction with either Air Differential Pressure Switches or Fan Current Monitoring.
BS 6173:2020
PLANT ROOMS - Recommended minimum requirements
Gas Detection
Educational establishments are classified as high risk areas, and therefore have firm requirements:
Combustible Gas Detection: Where the plant room is adjacent to an occupied space
Carbon Monoxide Detection: Where the plant room is accessible to an occupied space
All other applications fall under IGEM/UP/2, and require a risk assessment. However, this covers Hospitals, Care Homes etc. therefore it is recommended that the risk assessment already in place for Educational Establishments is applied.
Ventilation Interlocking
Is not required if all appliances are fitted with Flame Failure Devices (FFDs). However, proving systems perform a pressure test to provide the closure of any burners prior to restoration of the gas supply following a shutdown, and provide continuous monitoring for interruptions in the power supply.
IGEM/UP/11 Edition 2
IGEM/UP/2 Edition 3